Studying abroad
Exchange programs (study mobility)
Would you like to study abroad as part of an exchange program?
There are several possibilities:
- in Europe with the Erasmus + program;
- internationally with the Erasmus Mundus program;
- internationally through inter-university partnership agreements;
- in Quebec with the BCI ;
- in one of the 3 twin cities of the "Bourses de mobilité de la ville de Montpellier" program.
What are the financing options?
Studying abroad requires a personal and financial investment on the part of students wishing to add an international dimension to their university course. A range of scholarships and grants are available to support study or internship projects abroad:
- Erasmus+ grant ;
- Erasmus-Mundus grant ;
- Financial assistance from the Occitanie Region ;
- International mobility assistance from the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research (MENESR) reserved for scholarship holders with social criteria;
- Rotary International Scholarships.
ATTENTION - For Erasmus + funding for studies and internships, MENESR mobility aid and the Région LR grant - completed applications must be returned to the International Relations Office (BRI) of your component.
To find out the deadline for submitting these files, please contact your BIS.
As these grants require considerable administrative management (such as checking attendance and end-of-stay certificates), payment times are often long and cannot be guaranteed during the stay.
Not all financing options can be combined.